2014, August 30 - The third annual Salon Art Exhibit “Salon des Refuses” hosted by the Dubuque Area Arts Collective (DAAC) opens at their location on 9th & Main

From Facebook 8/31/2014:

“Last night we had an incredible time at The Salon Art Exhibit! Thank you to Mama Bird and Me and Maureen Kilgore for the tunes, and Jay [Schleidt] and Brock Muench for painting a beautiful mural on our walls. Thanks to the people who came to the show and all participating artists! A special thanks also goes to our volunteers and board members who dedicated their time to make this possible! And thanks TH media and Dubuque365 for the great coverage!”


Jay Schleidt

Brock Muench

Abby Hayes

Ali Levasseur

Amethyst Barron

Andonia Giannakouros

Ann M. Reisdorf

Barb McKinlay

Christina Bolgren

Crescentia Volz

Dave Hast

Drew Bissell

Edward Obermueller

Elizabeth Eagle

Ellen Henkels

Gail Chavenelle

Heidi Pettitt

Jessica Stepp

John Step

Jon Little

Kyle Regan

Mallory R. Heims

Robert D. Jinkins

Robert Felderman

Roger Powers, Jr.

Stephanie Funke


2014 - Thirteenth annual Twenty Dirty Hands self-guided ceramics tour


2014, March 2 - RE:PURPOSE, a group exhibit of recycled art opens at the Dubuque Area Arts Collective (DAAC)