2022, December 2 - Eastern Iowa Art Society Meeting hosted by Voices Productions in downtown Dubuque
Voices Productions co-hosts a gathering of local artists with the Eastern Iowa Art Society. Wendy Rolfe Mulgrew makes remarks about her paintings, hanging on the walls of the Voices Gallery along with her daughter, Therese Mulgrew’s paintings. Wendy & Therese have a congruent show at the Dubuque Museum of Art during the time of this meeting titled Intimate Exchange. Attendees wore name tags. There was an open bar. Each person in the room was asked to make a small introduction of themselves. La Dolce Vita by Fellini was projected onto the wall above the bar between the first and second floors.
Wendy S. Rolfe Mulgrew giving remarks about her work in front of a painting by Therese Mulgrew
Gene Tully, Ellen Henkels, Erin Kono, Wes Heitzman
Sam Mulgrew (Voices Productions), David Barba (Dubuque Area Arts Collective), and Rose Franzen (Maquoketa Art Experience)
Ellen Henkels
All photos shamelessly stolen from the Instagram of Wendy S. Rolfe Mulgrew (sorry, Wendy) for the record.