2011, October 28 - Invitational Figurative Art Exhibit: Jessie Rebik, Wendy Rolfe, Jenny Harms Link and Alice McMahon at Quigley Gallery, Clarke University

From the Card:

Clarke University Quigley Gallery

1550 Clarke Drive Dubuque Iowa 52001

Gallery Hours 1-5PM M-F: 1-4PM SS

phone (563) 588-6355

Invitational Figurative Art Exhibit

Jessica Rebik

Wendy S. Rolfe

Jenny Harms Link

Alice McMahon

October 24-November 13, 2011

Reception/Friday, October 28th 6-8PM

Front top: Rebik, detail of Gravity, bottom Rolfe, detail of Delicate Balance


2012 - A City at Work: 1912 and 2012 at the Dubuque Museum of Art


2011 - Tenth annual Twenty Dirty Hands self-guided ceramics tour