2012 - A City at Work: 1912 and 2012 at the Dubuque Museum of Art

A photography exhibit by Tim Olson and Mike Gibson.

Tim Olson says this about the project on his website:

“The project was inspired by the work of two itinerant photographers who passed through the city 100 years earlier–in the spring of 1912–and shot pictures of factories, offices, shops, saloons and even a hospital operating room. In 2012 I put together pairings of photographs from the two eras for an exhibit called, A City at Work: 1912 and 2012. Visit www.acityatwork.com to learn more.”


2012, September - Voices eighth annual group exhibit opening


2011, October 28 - Invitational Figurative Art Exhibit: Jessie Rebik, Wendy Rolfe, Jenny Harms Link and Alice McMahon at Quigley Gallery, Clarke University